Monday, February 28, 2011

Between 28 and 29.

Kuwait is an oil rich. That sentence is probably the first one in every single geographical book/article that talks about Kuwait. To an extent it shows the country's only important resource and how fixated the government is about not diversifying the economy. So, it probably makes you think that most Kuwaitis are well off. That's not really true. See, people have become so engrossed in consumer culture that even when they have enough money they still want to buy more items than they could possibly use or consume. It's just how things are.

In commemoration of the country's 50th celebration of its independence it was decreed that all Kuwaiti citizens born before the 1st of Feb 2011 to receive 1000 Kuwaiti dinars as a gift. That's about 3600 US dollars! Not bad, right?

Again, don't think that most people will use this money to pay off their debts or settle any bills. Nope, they'll use it to buy more crap they don't need. Why? because that's how the consumer culture works. People have their priorities backwards. I've a certain group of friends who have developed a bad habit of throwing whatever savings they have in casinos. Especially roulette (hence the title), probably the game with the most ridiculous odds of winning sans lotto tickets.

Why would anyone gamble? This is a tough question that I've not been able to answer. Why would any rationale human being partake in a game so dangerous that it could destroy their lives and if not only yield meager winnings? I've grown tired of seeing these people go broke halfway through the month time and time again. And of course because it's such a taboo in Kuwaiti society these people don't seek help for their gambling addiction. Which is moronic and self destructive. It'll only lead to more losses and probably even domestic violence at some point. Things need to change. And unless Kuwaitis stop pretending they live in paradise then things will never change.

I realize that this article is a very mild rant, perhaps even neutral and non-inflammatory. Fear not, I'll spice them up as I go along. I'm just getting warmed up.

Hello World!

Hello world!

My name is Rhazes. It's the romanized name of renowned Persian Physician Al Razi, who was praised for his contributions to Medicine and later on vilified for actually going against the status quo. My kind of guy!

This blog will be about the cataclysmal state of society in Kuwait. I figured that most blogs focus on Kuwaiti politics and religious issues. Whilst these topics will be mentioned in passing the primary purpose of this blog is to tackle social and psychological issues and perhaps even suggest solutions for them (gasp!).

The first actual subject will be covered in the next post!